Site-96 Breach - Incident Log

Date: 27/10/2023. Time: standard time. Personnel on site report a breach in containment protocols within ZoneGamma. Initial signals suggest SCP-682 is a primary cause of the breach. Security personnel have been dispatched to the area and are currently engaging in containment procedures. The extent of the breach read more remains fluid at this time.

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Record: Site 96 - Incident Protocol

This entry details the current protocols for containing anomalous events at Site 96. Primary objectives include neutralizing the effects of anomalies on personnel and adjacent environments, as well as analyzing data to facilitate further understanding. Personnel are strictly forbidden from contacting with anomalous entities without explicit authori

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Incident Report: Site-96 Containment Breach

On 07/15 at approximately 16:21, a containment breach occurred at Site-96. Subsequent more info reports indicate that Subject ███ breached its secure containment field. Security forces responded immediately, and a full lockdown was initiated within Site-96. The breach resulted in multiple casualties to Sector ██. Investigations are ongoin

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Secure Containment Protocols: Site-96

Site-96 implements stringent containment protocols designed to suppress the potential impact of anomalous entities. These protocols include a variety of procedures, including physical seclusions, psychological intervention protocols, and sophisticated containment facilities. All personnel assigned to Site-96 are rigorously trained in these protocol

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